I had my first surprise in Genoa, listening to Paganini during a guided tour of the Rolli. The second in Bergamo, amazed by the wonderful Colleoni Chapel. My favorite part of the country remains the North, while I have just begun to venture into the unknown South. I am interested in exploring with emotions cities known by name, but never really considered as they deserve.

my name is Patrizia and I write about my dear Italy

Pleased to meet you! My name is Patrizia and I am an

art, music & travel storydoer focused on ITALY

The blog title could be translated as “Italy City of Art”. I chose it out of the image I have of Italy as a huge city divided into myriads of different territories, each of them with their unique harmony.

My purpose is to invite you to

look at Italy as a SPECIAL travel destination (not the most beautiful but kind of a unique combination of history, flourishing arts and spiritual legacy) and engage in CONVERSATION with less what-and-where details and more room to emotions.

Are you longing to learn about new destinations to go beyond surface tourism?

Are you looking for enjoyable travel content as a chance to practise the Italian language?

Are you a professional in search for a travel community to collaborate with?

Then, please, let’s keep in touch!!

Feel free to visit/subscribe to my Substack, NOT a travel blog but a space shaped for those who see travel as an opportunity to experience life and grow, and want to help create a new culture.

I also collaborate as PR to Rinascendo, a programme of cultural events in Florence that aims to deal with life issues and build connections.

I strongly believe in the potential of communities for the future, which is why I place a lot of importance on maintaining good environments and relationships. My behind-the-scenes work is made up of continuous analysis and research.

A bit of my background

Born in Turin, I studied languages (I also speak German, Spanish and some French) and worked mainly as hotel receptionist / secretary. I travelled and volunteered in unusual places such as Iceland, South Dakota and New Zealand.

In 2011 I became full time caregiver for my elderly parents, and suddenly had to learn first hand to manage the house and the general living… all alone.

After their passing, I moved to Florence to brush up on the classics and learn what I never knew about art, history and literature. Not out of nostalgia, but to rediscover something of my identity that must not be lost.

In February 2020 I traveled a few days to Trieste, that captivated me to the point that I began considering to move there someday.


Are you a cultural traveller too?

I love opera, classic novels and films, nature, what’s finest… On top of all: MUSIC.

I began travelling by simply getting on a train, and since then, my eyes opened to a widespread beauty far beyond the most famous destinations.

I travel at a slow pace and always on the wave of a motivation, be it an exhibition, a book … or the incentive of some more popular travel blogger !!

Being a Christian makes me a person who gives primary importance to being; someone who digs her way (despite the desert) with a proactive approach and a strong sense of care.

Faith amplifies everything I live for and work on.

Working toward future PARTNERSHIPS and patrons

What I can do

I am more inclined to activism than advertising; I am looking for renewal-oriented projects with the audacity to propose something more exciting than just lists of what to see or do.

I therefore aspire to a type of travel partnership expressed through

  • community management – intended as a centre of relationships and platform to spread quality content
  • writing & content editing – for websites, blogs, articles, reviews, presentations, experiential guides
  • collaboration on tours, campaigns and multimedia projects that aim at raising interest in what otherwise would remain unknown
  • collaboration in the management of accommodation facilities or historical buildings located in Italy
  • creative support for humanitarian and environmental causes

Italian territories are many and varied; I don’t want them to remain UNNOTICED in their heritage values and legacy to the world – as well as to their peoples. Therefore

I specialize in STORYDOING

to convey the value of an experience beyond the superficial veneer; to encourage experiences in real places with true people; to reveal an image of Italy that is very different from stereotypes and capable of surprise.

I believe practical information will never be enough to introduce the visitor to territories steeped in personality, relationships, and facts that are intertwined with world history. I believe there is a need for a type of communication that ignites emotional involvement in the visitor.

In truth,


I am very impressed by foreigners’ love for Italy

something we are NOT fully aware of!! That is of great encouragement for me to go ahead investing time, energy and money. A pleasure, but also a calling to a COMMITMENT.

I will never leave behind what’s deep, that something special linked to the name Italy that has proved to be of great impact nowadays as well as in past centuries.

When I look back to the past, travelling abroad has helped me rediscover the LOVE for my land and my language.

This is what I call True World Heritage, and I AM PROUD OF IT.

GRAZIE for being here!

If you too are a fan of this little great part of planet earth…

Patrizia | Italia Città d'Arte

will you tell me your story 😀 ??



